Cartagena Spain

Wow, what a summer it’s been. We are currently enjoying some downtime in Cartagena Spain waiting for the winds to allow us to continue on to Gibraltar. It’s hard to believe that the Mediterranean will be behind us before too long. Ok, writing this blog has not received the attention it deserves. Perhaps we have …

Coming About!

Coming About! It’s a sailing term for a big change in direction. Today we leave Asia and head back to Europe. Sounds pretty epic but it’ll only take us about three hours to get from Turkey to Greece. From here on we head west into the setting sun. We spent the last three weeks in …

Looking out the window on 27 years as a Helicopter Pilot.

On my way home this morning I gaze out the window, looking down on the San Francisco Bay where I first flew a helicopter in 1997. 27 Years chasing the dream of vertical flight. In some ways it’s been like the search for the perfect turn in Skiing. Always elusive, often frustrating, but when the …