Wow, what a summer it’s been. We are currently enjoying some downtime in Cartagena Spain waiting for the winds to allow us to continue on to Gibraltar. It’s hard to believe that the Mediterranean will be behind us before too long.

Ok, writing this blog has not received the attention it deserves. Perhaps we have been moving too fast? There is a lot to do out here. With sailing, boat maintenance, planning, keeping track of the weather, schooling the kids, and well just keeping everyone fed, we are quite busy.

We plan to be in Gibraltar around the 1st of October. From there it’s a 5 day ocean sail down to the Canary Islands. That will be our jumping off point for the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers. We will sail from Las Palmas to Cape Verde. After a five day break we then depart for the crossing proper and arrive in Grenada approximately 2 weeks later.
The crew is in good spirits and we are enjoying our time together. And maybe I’ll find time to update this blog more often.

Looks amazing! Nice pics!
Love this and ALL of YOU!!
Yea! Live it up! Have a gazpacho for me.
Hi Sawyer and family!
I enjoyed hearing the update!
Have you traded your rocket drawings for boats?
Learning to cook some good food out there?
Hood River is the same. Fall colors are beginning.
Take good care of each other and have lots of fun!
Ms. Penney