Coming About! It’s a sailing term for a big change in direction. Today we leave Asia and head back to Europe. Sounds pretty epic but it’ll only take us about three hours to get from Turkey to Greece. From here on we head west into the setting sun.

We spent the last three weeks in Turkey. I’m way behind on our little updates. It turns out running a boat and a school and just traveling about takes up most of one time. The days are just packed.

Turkey has been interesting, our first experience in a Muslim country. It’s unmistakable when you hear the call to prayer. Other than it’s not that much different from other European countries. Turkey seems to have a lot of infrastructure, apparently Erogon has gone on quite a spending spree, which has driven their inflation through the roof.

The people in Turkey have been extremely welcoming. We have been told that the Turks are known for their hospitality, and we found this to be true. We had also been told that things have gotten very expensive in Turkey. This is also true.
With this infrastructure Turkey is much more developed than Greece. There are a lot of big beach resorts, and big expensive marinas. We have tried to avoid those because they destroy our budget. We did take advantage of one marina that had a very nice pool, and met another sailing family. Everyone had a blast but at €150 a night just to park your boat we couldn’t stay.

One of the highlights of turkey has been visiting the mini Greek ruins. The Greeks and the Romans once ruled this land before the rise of the Ottoman Empire. It’s evidences everywhere.

The kids are waking up and that’s my cue to end my post. Time to weigh anchor, and head to Greece. Sawyer can’t wait to get his hands on a pita gyro and Koen is dying for some pork souvlaki.

Glad you got outta there without buying a carpet! I’m here if ya want to talk school.
Keep kicking ass!
Love it! Such great adventures!
Love that ice cream man! Renee was telling me about that adventure.
Love the ice cream man!
Hi Sawyer and Family!
We’re in our last 2 days of school and I was just thinking of you.
I hope you are having the adventure of your lives!
We miss you! I also have your world map Sawyer when you get back.
Ms. Penney
Happy Father’s Day Ken.
I hope the boys made you breakfast in bed. Glad your trip is going well. More updates please.
Kisses for all! 😎