I’m finally on the way home from Australia. What started out as a 3 week work trip, turned to four then five weeks. It’s great to be headed home. Only 23 days until we head to our boat in Greece.
It’s amazing to finally be at this point. The journey started years ago. Nina and I have talked about this day since before the kids were born. What age do we take them on a big sailing trip? I believe it was five years ago, Nina where on a walk and the topic came up again. There was some discussion on what to do with our rental house. We talked of a few options, until I said “or we could sell it and buy a boat”. There was no hesitation in Nina’s voice when she said “sell it! We’re buying a boat!”. I remember that walk well. Much has happened since and I have been slowly plugging away, checking off things that need to happen to go sailing.
So what is the proper age? Seven or eight seemed like the best to take kids cruising. Teenagers just don’t want to spend that much time with their parents. Under 5, they are not independent enough to really get the most out of the experience. Here we are right in the middle and sticking to the plan.
As reality sets in of what we are doing, anxieties begin to arise. OMG I’m about to pull my kids out of school and put them on a boat. Do we really want to be stuck on a boat with our kids? Are we F….ing crazy. Unfortunately I have spent five weeks away from Nina and she always brings me back to reality. What if a kid falls over board, gets sick overseas, gets hurt. My imagination runs wild some nights while unable to sleep far from home. I found this cartoon the other day and I think it sums it up best.
There you go, if we succeed it will be the experience of a lifetime. Something says we will. And I can’t wait!

Love it! It will be awesome!